Saline Crew Board Meeting
Saline High School Commons
Wednesday, July 12, 2017, 7pm
President: Bill Christen
Vice President: Greg Schreiber
Secretary: Tammy Christen
Treasurer: Brent Dingman
Equipment Manager: Cheryl Brill
Fundraising: Mary Hays
Member-At-Large: Jennifer Nowicki
Alumni Chair: Chris Frick
Coach: Fraser Christie
Captain: Jack Wisner
Captain: Dane Dingman
Captain: Fay Hargrove
Captain: Ryan Stack
Committee Planning:
Website updating: Bill asked everyone to take a look and ask Scott to make any corrections or changes.
Clothing: We discussed when we would open ordering windows for the fall. We decided on one window for the returning rowers and one window for the new rowers.
Coaches Report:
- Equipment: coach would like some large fours. The cost is approximately $26,000 and will take 2-4 months for the boat to arrive. Coach would also like 4 lock boxes and some new oars. We have a pontoon boat stored at I94 Marina. We probably don’t need it and should consider selling it. The marina would probably sell it for us.
- Dave Fiske will no longer be coaching. We need to try to find a replacement.
General Agenda Items:
- The returning rower meeting will be at the end of August.
- The new rower meeting will be in September sometime after the high school open house, which is September 14th.
- The captains and rowers will be placing Gatsby posters around town to advertise the event.
- Coach would like the kids to stay in cabins for the Leelanau Regatta. Cheryl will be checking into lodging.
Treasurer Report:
The reviewed financial report covered June, 2017.
MOVED: CB, SECONDED: GS to approve financial statements as submitted/amended.
Equipment Needs:
- The team truck needs a minor repair.
Special Events/Fundraising:
- Gatsby: The captains will oversee set-up and take down.