Saline Rowing Board Meeting, March, 2017

Saline District Library
Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 7pm


President: Bill Christen
Vice President: Greg Schreiber
Secretary: Tammy Christen
Treasurer: Brent Dingman
Member-at-Large: Jennifer Nowicki
Alumni Chair: Chris Frick
Coach: Fraser Christie
Captain: Ted Nowicki
Captain: Emma Frick
Captain: Alex Wagner

Committee Planning:

Website: The website needs to be updated. Each board member will pick a page/section to revise and then forward the revisions to Mike Ward. We also discussed making a new promo video for the website.

Transportation: There are 40-50 rooms available for the regatta in Ohio and for states in Grand Rapids.

Carpool: We discussed having all kids, including middle school kids, fill out the transportation form. We also discussed the logistics of getting middle school kids to practice.

Clothing: Jackie Mills is unable to fill the role of clothing coordinator. Therefore, the board will be looking for a new clothing coordinator ASAP.

Captain Report:

  • The captains asked that the weekly email updates be sent to the rowers as well as the parents.

Coaches Report:

  • Cox boxes and harnesses have been ordered, but not yet received.
  • We will no longer accept rowers from other schools in the spring and fall seasons. It is too complicated per Coach Fraser.

Treasurer Report:

The reviewed financial report covered February 2017.

MOVED: TC, SECONDED: GS to approve financial statements as amended.


  • 15 tie down straps are needed.

General Agenda Items:

  • Spring Break: The next meeting will be March 14 at 7pm at the library.
  • We are going to keep the truck at the school yard.
  • We will be ordering extra uniforms to keep on hand in case of an emergency.