Here are the minutes from our September 2023 meeting:
Topics Discussed Include:
- Membership update – 29 high school rowers (above budget), 5 middle school rowers
- Fundraising updates – Mum fundraiser raised $2071.50, upcoming Hungry Howie’s and football concession fundraisers
- Carpooling coordination and vehicle incident protocol
- Coaches report on practices and lineup planning for first regatta
- Trailer repairs needed – fixing back sheet metal and tongue, sealing roof
- Ideas for increasing family participation like a Skyline model or scholarship fund
Decisions Made:
- August meeting minutes approved
- Passed on football fundraiser opportunity on 9/16
- Approved repairs to be done on trailer by Eric Thomas
- By-laws committee to continue working on updates before new board elected
- Fall banquet scheduled for 11/8/23 pending confirmation of location