Fund Raising


From the Great Gatsby Fundraiser

The Saline Crew team is a club sport. All of the team’s expenses are raised either through dues or fund raising efforts. The team requires help from all of the Saline Rowing Community. Team fundraisers help to purchase equipment including boats, boat parts, outboard motors, trailers, and oars. All team members are expected to participate in team fundraisers throughout the season. The team also sponsors fundraisers that rowers can participate in to apply to their seasonal dues.

We have three levels of fund raising.

  1. Team fund raising for operating expenses and equipment
  2. Individual fund raising for rowers
  3. Capital campaign – boathouse

Busch’s Scrip Program

The Saline Crew team is part of Busch’s Cash for Education program. Here is more information and sign up instructions.  If you shop at Busch’s please take a minute to log into your Busch’s MyWay account at and connect your MyWay account to Saline Crew.  There is NO COST to you and every time when you check out they say; “Do you have a MyWay Number?” Not only are you saving $$ Saline Crew benefits every time you shop.  Saline Crew will receive a check quarterly that includes the names of all participants and it would be great to see how many community members and Crew Families (current and alumni) we can get involved with the program!

Crew can earn rewards up to a maximum of $5,000 quarterly and $20,000 annually.  For example 13 families were signed up for one of the High School teams and they received a check for $440.00 for 1 quarter and that is only 13 families.  There is no work other than signing up, and renewing annually in October.  Busch’s always asks for your MyWay number at check out so it is free money!

Individual Fundraising Options

We understand that this club sport can be a financial challenge for some families so we try and offer the rowers a few options to help towards their fess.

A few programs in place include:

  • Rent a Rower
  • Hire a Crew
  • Work community events such as the Fall & Spring Craft Shows

Team Fundraising Options

We have a number of Fundraising events to help offset some of the club’s expenses:

  • Partnerships with local businesses such as the Mancino’s Fundraiser
  • Busch’s Scrip Program. Learn more


Equipment Wish List

Please reach out to the Board or Coaches for any urgent / immediate team needs

Miscellaneous Items

  • Megaphones for coaches. (I’ve found that this one works very well for the price: Harbor Freight) Waterproof megaphones are ideal, however.


  • Oars
  • Cox Boxes
  • Stroke coaches
  • Sliders 290$ for a pair. (3 sliders needed for 2 ergs).

Rent a Rower /Hire a Crew

Crew Families

This is probably one of the easiest ways for a rower to raise funds to reduce their individual fees. Spread the word, post a few posters around town and also put a lawn sign out. The cost of the posters is nothing. A lawn sign is around $15.00. The cost is easily offset with just a few hours worth of work.

Need help with chores?

Rent-A-Rower or Hire-A-Crew

  • Hire one or more of the team by the hour or negotiate a flat rate.
  • Some suggestions:
  • Yard work
  • Paint
  • House sit
  • Pet sit
  • Baby sit
  • Wash & wax cars
  • Clean up crew for events


email: Vice President

All proceeds go the Saline Area Schools/Crew Club rowers to offset their dues.